visionary leadership style

The visionary leadership style mobilises people toward a vision. Visionary leaders are driven and inspired by what a company can become; they live in the future. They are not bogged down with technical details, but they are big picture people whose intent is to usher in new eras of innovation and development. 

These types of leaders can be tasked with (and are sought to) moving the team or business/organisation into a new and challenging direction while promoting unity and tenacity to push through times of uncertainty – they are inspirational at leading teams through change.

This type of leadership style naturally brings cohesiveness to the team to inspire everyone to be moving in the same direction. They:

  1. Promote trust in one another
  2. Engage in conflict around others
  3. Commit to decisions
  4. Hold one another (including themselves) accountable for achieving their part
  5. Focus on collective results

To meet their goals and objectives, visionary leaders are often charismatic and determined – they score a high I on the DISC psychometric test paper. They identify themselves as confident coaches who are meant to guide the team through transitions or difficult business conditions.

Visionary leaders are usually brought in during a unique time in an organization. Transformational leaders may be invited to an organization to encourage employee motivation and create leaders. Charismatic leaders might be used to inspire a company to stay the course and generate excitement around the mission and vision. Visionary leaders are tasked with helping to move toward innovation and cultivating a new direction for the company. Therefore, if a business is looking to move to the next level and take on new initiatives or re-evaluate their vision, then a visionary leader is likely the person they should consider working with. Difficult transitions call for the traits of a visionary leader, and it is essential companies realize that when thinking of the type of leader they want to bring in to lead.

Eight Traits of the Visionary Leadership Style

Being high I’s they are very skilled communicators

Effective visionary leaders are very persuasive and charismatic in their communication and have the ability to get their ideas over to the team and steer them towards the new vison.

They love creativity and Innovation

Visionary leaders focus on moving forward and introducing new ideas, initiatives and projects. They love to brainstorm with the team as this is intelligence having fun. As a result, visionary leaders are and need to be comfortable with failure, setbacks and the negative effects due to change.

They think strategically

To achieve the vision there has to be a plan. A visionary leadership style needs to strategically come up with the steps to achieve it. Strong visionary leaders will prepare for what they want the team and business/organisation to look like and create strategies for how they can move towards it. They may not have all the technical details, but they can see and plan for the big picture.

They are intelligent risk takers

Moving towards a new goal and new vision can be a risk. There is no guarantee that strategies will work, but visionaries are comfortable with the uncertainty and take as many measures possible to ensure the plan is successful.

They are very resilient

Visionary leaders who guide teams, organisations and companies through turbulent times have to have tenacity and determination. They are likely to deal with situations where they have to fight against old ideas, company politics, and external pressures.

They are very organised and time management is not just a buzzword, it’s a way of life.

Visionary leaders build the team around them to achieve the vision and steps to get there. They love an organised and effective Kan Ban board and hold regular and effective scrum meetings. Visionary leaders understand that rather than manage their time they manage their energy levels and conduct important tasks at high energy times of the day. 

They are very focused leaders

To improve the performance of the team and develop the culture of the business visionary leaders need to be very focused and we mentioned above organised. Their eyes, team, focus and energy all focus towards the goal and the steps to achieve it. 

They enthusiasm is contagious

Someone with a strong visionary leadership style understands that people will follow someone they trust and is enthusiastic about what the do. Their passion for the vision is contagious and others find it inspirational.

The 6 leadership styles

Thanks for visiting our visionary leadership style page here is a link to our homepage. You also may be interested in reading more about this in Daniel Goleman's book

As well as lots of smaller businesses and organisations, below are examples of some larger organisations who have received training from our director of learning at Ultimate Leadership Training:

spring care


Gatwick School



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