Download our free time management games online to energise your time management training course or to use during staff training and meetings
Hi, welcome to our Ultimate Leadership Training website. Feel free to download our FREE time management training games E-Book. It contains 12 activities that work really well in a one day time management course - obviously you don't use all 12! You may also be interested in our: DISC e-Book which comes with a DISC test sheet Our emotional intelligence e-Book which comes with a test paper |
We all have a watch - but do we have the time? If you are a training consultant or you need training courses for your business and teams it may interest you that we write and deliver some awesome management, leadership, coaching and HR training courses including time management. When you buy one of our courses you get:
The first one of our free time management games online is £86,400. This 15 to 20-minute exercise can be used with any size class to facilitate a discussion about the importance of time management.
When I do this game, I create a fake “check,” made out to each individual delegate by name, prepared in advance from the delegate list, I also write the date of the course and sign it.
The check is made out to for the amount of £86,400. Once you’ve handed them out explain that they have only 24 hours to spend the money. Give the delegates 10 minutes to work out what they will spend it on.
Your delegates then share how they plan to spend the money, and each person’s response is recorded on a flipchart. When the exercise is completed you should notice and point out that most of the delegates spent every penny of the check.
The point of the exercise is that few people have trouble deciding how to set priorities for spending money, but the same cannot be said for time, even though some would argue it’s a more important commodity.
This leads to a discussion that each day has the same amount of seconds as the check has pounds - 86,400 - and begs the question:
“Why are we so much more likely to prioritize how we spend our money than our time”?
Ribbon of Life
The second one of our free time management games online is the ribbon of life. This is a great activity for any size group, and I use it when talking to large groups at conferences. It’s dramatic, visible and makes a great point. Take a coloured ribbon length approximately 1 meter and scissors and an assistant to do the cutting and measuring
If the life span of an individual is 100 years each and each cm on the ribbon is one year. Hopefully you’ll get a few responses say that it’s more likely to be 75 years, thank them for their input and take the 75 years suggestion then cut 25cm of the ribbon and throw it on the floor – you’re left with 75 years.
So have a look at what’s left – 50 years, but that’s not strictly true
Now have a look at how much of the ribbon you are left with. About 29 cm – but it’s not over yet
So how much are we left with? 6 cm, a little more, a little less – this is how much time you have to make a difference.
This is why time management shouldn’t be just a buzz word, it should be a way of life
Thanks for visiting our free time management games online page, here's a link to our homepage. You may also be interested in our time management book recommendation which is written by Brian Tracy and called Eat That Frog
Buy our time management training course to try out the free time management games online
Please contact us to discuss any training requirements you have, we either deliver for you or sell you the course for your trainers to deliver to your team