Emotional Intelligence Test

Emotional intelligence test has been proven to improve a leader’s chance for success in business and in their personal life and is arguably more important than IQ as an influencer of success. Leading a successful team with a clear vision and core values makes Emotional Intelligence worth pursuing and embedding at all levels

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We are a training course provider with a global reach. The Leadership and management programs we write are changing the culture in some of the largest companies around and our trainers and authors are all specialists in their field and experienced business leaders and managers. 

Contact us to discuss your learning and development goals.

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Emotional Intelligence Test

The Five Pillars of Emotional Intelligence

When your people truly understand themselves, the potential of your business goes through the roof. Think about it – people can only make the best of the strengths they’ve already got, and work on facing their challenges, if they really know what those are - and that’s where emotional intelligence come in.

The future growth of your business and your teams depends on your managers and leadership teams having and developing a better understanding of themselves, how they work and how they think. If you think about it your people will only make the best of their strengths they already have and work on the challenges they face (and will face) once they discover what they are – and that’s where we and emotional intelligence come in. Every session we deliver, no matter what the subject, has the following pillars embedded into them:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Motivation
  • Self-Regulation
  • Empathy
  • Social Skills

Also embedded are the five elements of self-regulation which are: self-control, trustworthiness, conscientiousness, adaptability and innovation.

It is only when your team members develop their emotional intelligence and honestly look within themselves that they can start to ask harder and harder questions:

  • “Is it the right thing for the team”?
  • "What one thing can I do to make your role more successful"?
  • “What kind of leader am I now, and how can I become a better one”?
  • “What are my emotions, how do they affect others and my decisions and how can I control them” 

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That's just £15.00 more for both E-Books.

Both come with test papers that you can use as many times as you like

Emotional Intelligence Test

There are 5 pillars to emotional intelligence and our e-book explains them all and offers tips on how to improve them. You have three choices of how to digest the information:

Choice A: You could read the whole book from beginning to end and plan a course for your own self-development.

Choice B: You could select your lowest score from the free assessment on page 4 and start to work on that one for the first month or so and then move onto another.

Choice C: Do nothing

The last point is not meant to be a flippant remark. It’s easy to get hold of a self-help book, have a read and then go back into the chaos of everyday life and not have the time to make any improvements. We, at Ultimate Leadership Training Ltd, are always worried that after the training courses we deliver (or the ones we sell for you to deliver) the learners leave and then training amnesia kicks in and the information is lost.

To develop ourselves we need to take time out to ensure that the information we learn is put to use, practised and becomes a part of us – a new habit.

In Daniel Goleman's (1998) popular book, Working with Emotional Intelligence suggests that emotional intelligence accounts for 67% of the abilities needed to be a successful leader and is twice as important as technical proficiency or IQ. This research has subsequently been supported by a number of studies. Dragon’s Den is another example, so many times do you hear that the dragon left school with nothing more than a spirit level and heaps of motivation to succeed.

In our e-book, we summarise the key 5 pillars of emotional intelligence, the benefits of each and how to improve them.

Basically: Emotional intelligence (or EQ) is the ability to identify and manage your emotions, as well as other people's emotions.

If you're emotionally intelligent you have the ability to:

·         Identify what you're feeling

·         Know how to interpret your emotions

·         Understand how your emotions can impact others

·         Regulate your own emotions

·         Manage other people's emotions

Some people naturally inherit high EQ but it's a skill that you can practice and develop, like leadership. By practising emotionally intelligent behaviours your brain will adapt to make these behaviours automatic and replace less helpful behaviours.

Quick Links

-> EI book and test paper - £24.99

-> DISC book and test paper - £24.99

-> EI and DISC package - £39.99

Emotional Intelligence Test

Buy Both of our E-Books For Just:

Just £39.99

That's just £15.00 more for both E-Books.

Both come with test papers that you can use as many times as you like

As well as lots of smaller businesses and organisations, below are examples of some larger organisations who have received training from our director of learning at Ultimate Leadership Training:

spring care


Gatwick School



Please contact us to discuss any training requirements you have, we either deliver for you or sell you the course for your trainers to deliver to your team

Thanks for visiting our emotional intelligence test page here's a link to the homepage. If you are interested in further reading on the subject Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence, why it can matter more than IQ book is well worth your time  

Emotional Intelligence Test - Emotional Intelligence Book - Emotional Intelligence Definition - Emotional Intelligence Define - The Emotional Intelligence Book - Emotional Intelligence Meaning - Emotional Intelligence Quotes - Emotional Intelligence Examples - Emotional Intelligence Pdf - Is Emotional Intelligence Important - Emotional Intelligence for Leaders - Emotional Intelligence in Leadership 

DISC Psychometric Testing – DISC and Emotional Intelligence Package

Emotional Intelligence Test - Why it can Matter More than IQ