When you buy our one day emotional intelligence skills training course, you receive all the training materials including tutor notes, handouts, activities and PowerPoint slides. You can be confident that the material in this powerful training course works well as it has been successfully delivered to some of the largest companies and organisations in the UK and mainland Europe - It really will improve your Leaders |
This is possibly the best emotional intelligence skills training course you will ever find and it's only £299 - yours to keep. This emotional intelligence skills training course will help all your team to be aware of how they come across within the team and communicate more effectively for that competitive advantage. Current research shows that emotional intelligence (EI or EQ) is a more important factor in workplace success than technical and hard skills. As work becomes more collaborative in nature, individual success is almost always dependent on one’s ability to communicate and influence rather than on any particular technical skill. Organisational research consistently proves that emotional intelligence is essential for success in the modern workplace. Since most workplaces rely on diverse people working together to create a product or service, it is essential that people learn to navigate the human factor at work.
“EQ refers to someone’s ability to perceive, understand and manage their own feelings and emotions” (Chignell, 2018)
There are five distinct components of EI:
1. Self-awareness
2. Self-regulation
3. Internal (or intrinsic) motivation
4. Empathy
5. Social skills
From a glance at these components, it’s easy to see how EI applies in the workplace! Clearly workers with higher score in self-regulation, intrinsic motivation, and social skills have a leg up on those with less.
You get the following:
The Emotional Intelligence Skills Training Course, for you to buy, is just £299 and it includes all that is listed to the left. See further details below Buy this course for £299 |
Why do we think our Emotional Intelligence skills training course is the best emotional intelligence skills training course for you and your team?
A. The tried and tested comprehensive trainer notes - explain what needs to be taught and at what time. The notes indicate the best times to have breaks and lunch, are easy to follow and packed with activities. B. The Power point slides - ARE NOT full of notes, funnily enough we put the notes on the tutor notes?! Most of the slides have relevant images for the visual learners and act as a backdrop to the discussions. C. Learner notes with the slides on - for the learners to make notes as you go |
![]() A great team in Alton. It's people like this take make our job enjoyable |
D. All the handouts - for this course include:
E. The activities - When you buy this emotional intelligence skills training course you also receive some great activities (in the tutor notes) to engage the learners and keep the energy high. The main activity in the session is the EI self assessment sheet the learners complete. There is also an activity to discuss strengths and weaknesses of each of the pillars and how having a weakness in one could affect other team members. We finish the day with some mini presentations about how to improve any weaknesses.
The best emotional intelligence skills training course is broken down into four sessions.
After the introductions and housekeeping we go straight into an icebreaker to set the tone for the rest of the day. We then have a look at all the emotions that we can observe at work. We use the learner's workplace rather than a prescriptive list supplied by Google! We then look at the five pillars of Emotional Intelligence |
After a short comfort break the learners complete the self assessment sheet and then launch into a brilliant team observation activity which you won't find anywhere else. This takes us up to Lunch |
After a well deserved lunch break there is an interactive team activity. The aim of the activity is to see Emotional Intelligence in action and to use these live examples to highlight the importance of developing these skills within the team It's a great activity, it has a serious point but is fun to participate in. |
After our last quick comfort break the learners work in groups and create a small presentation on how they could improve one of the pillars of Emotional Intelligence. The learners have the Ultimate Leadership Training EI E-Book as a resource We then finish with questions and feedback. |
Buy this course and all the materials for just £299
Contact one of the team for further information
Please contact us to discuss any training requirements you have, we either deliver for you or sell you the course for your trainers to deliver to your team
Thanks for visiting our emotional intelligence skills training course web page, here's a link to our homepage. You my also be interested in reading our book recommendation which is Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman