Our DISC test paper will assess your team members and identify their behaviour and consistent characteristics. DISC is for managers and leadership teams at all levels as well as all your other team members.
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The DISC Test Paper E-Book contents:
There are more expensive on-line DISC test paper sheets you and your team can do. For example the Thomas International test is an excellent system and we can provide you with this too but they're usually over £100 per person and the bill can soon use up your training budget in one go!!
The DISC test paper that comes with the DISC Training Course E-Book is good enough to give you an accurate self image and you could ask a (trusted) colleague to complete one about you for an external view which you can compare - you can obviously print off as many as you need.
If you need a one day training session which delves deeper in the DISC psychometric test we can either deliver it for you or we can sell you the training course for one of your team to deliver.
The course we recommend you book or buy with respect to DISC is our Advanced Communications Skills Course The course to buy is just £499 and you receive:
Obviously the team have to implement the knowledge, but everyone will leave the course with and action plan for their own development.
Once you have mastered DISC you may also be interested in Emotional Intelligence:
Emotional Intelligence E-Book contents: Our 38 page Emotional Intelligence E-Book, which contains a test paper you can print off multiple times, explains how to improve:
Thanks for visiting our DISC Test Paper page, here's a link to our homepage You may be interested in a film about one of the creators of the Disc Psychometric testing - William Marston
Psychologist and inventor
Marston was a writer of essays in popular psychology. And he published a 1928 book Emotions of Normal People, which elaborated on the DISC Theory. Marston viewed people behaving along two axes, with their attention being either passive or active, depending on the individual's perception of his or her environment as either favourable or antagonistic.
By placing the axes at right angles, four quadrants form, with each describing a behavioural pattern:
Marston posited that there is a masculine notion of freedom that is inherently anarchic and violent, and an opposing feminine notion based on "Love Allure" that leads to an ideal state of submission to loving authority.
This was taken from Wikipedia which has more interesting information about William Marston, his life and achievements, well worth a read
Please contact us to discuss any training requirements you have, we either deliver for you or sell you the course for your trainers to deliver to your team
Managing DISC - DISC Training Tool - DISC Training Course - Disc Test Paper - Buy Disc Training Course - DISC and Emotional Intelligence - DISC Profile Test - Free DISC Profile Test - Improving Communication With DISC - Personality Test DISC
DISC Test Paper