When you buy our one day creativity and innovation training course, you receive all the training materials including tutor notes, handouts, activities and PowerPoint slides. You can be confident that the material in this powerful training course works well as it has been successfully delivered to some of the largest companies and organisations in the UK and mainland Europe - It really will improve your team and business. |
This is possibly the best creativity and innovation training course you will ever find and it's only £299 - yours to keep.
Before we begin examining the creative process, it’s worth emphasising that creativity and innovation both depend on a willingness to fail. Failure provides feedback and experiential insight that is hard to get any other way.
Thomas Edison invented the light bulb provides a good example of this. It is said that he tried thousands of ways to create a commercially viable light bulb, none of which worked. A friend challenged him, when it seemed clear that he had failed, and Edison replied “I haven’t failed. I just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”. Shortly afterwards he found a way (using carbonated bamboo for the resistance, but affordable, filament). Failure taught him, and will teach your team sitting this session, to innovate repeatedly.
Leaders need to fail more, and allow their team members to fail. By preventing mistakes you’ll limit your business and team's development, restrict someone else’s autonomy, and stifle everyone’s creativity. You can see it across business everywhere - authoritative leadership doesn't work where creativity and innovation are concerned.
This is a great session where answers to issues are created and problems get resolved.
You get the following:
The Creativity and innovation Training Course, for you to buy, is just £499 and it includes all that is listed to the left. See further details below Buy this course for £299 |
Why do we think our creativity and innovation training course is the best creativity and innovation training course for you and your team?
A. The tried and tested comprehensive trainer notes - explain what needs to be taught and at what time. The notes indicate the best times to have breaks and lunch, are easy to follow and packed with activities. B. The Power point slides - ARE NOT full of notes, funnily enough we put the notes on the tutor notes?! Most of the slides have relevant images for the visual learners and act as a backdrop to the discussions. C. Learner notes with the slides on - for the learners to make notes as you go |
![]() A great team in Alton. It's people like this take make our job enjoyable |
D. All the handouts - for this course include:
E. The activities - When you buy this creative and innovation training course you also receive some great activities (in the tutor notes) to engage the learners and keep the energy high. The session finishes with a great whole team activity. During the activity a creative idea which has been created during the session is discussed in a particular way. It helps with ironing out any details and is a different approach to how they usually think and meet.
The best creativity and innovation training course is broken down into four sessions.
After the introductions and housekeeping we go straight into a creative thinking activity which sets the tone for the rest of the day. We then look at conceptual blending and the creative process |
After a short comfort break we go back to the steps of creative thinking and concentrate on different types of thinking and how to improve them. Then it's down to Action, what will they do differently when they get back to work. |
After a well deserved lunch break we look at the communication skills needed to embed the change into the business and team culture The learners discuss and learn tips and techniques to "sell" their idea to management and the rest of the team. |
After our last quick comfort break the learners are split into teams. Each team comes up with a creative idea that was created in the session or needs to be worked on in the future. This final activity is fun, sometimes loud!, active and incredibly productive. It's not really role play and everyone loves getting involved. We then finish with questions and feedback. |
Buy this course and all the materials for just £299
Contact one of the team for further information
Please contact us to discuss any training requirements you have, we either deliver for you or sell you the course for your trainers to deliver to your team
Thanks for visiting our creativity and innovation training course web page, here's a link to our homepage. You my also be interested in reading our book recommendation which is Phil Dobson's The Brain Book